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美科技界大佬同特朗普会面 适应新现实-新利体育官网发布日期:2024-01-11 浏览次数:
本文摘要:The technology industry always has its eyes on the future, but few foresaw the scene that played out on Wednesday afternoon in Trump Tower.科技行业总是着眼未来,但很少有人需要预见周三下午再次发生在特朗普大厦的一幕。

The technology industry always has its eyes on the future, but few foresaw the scene that played out on Wednesday afternoon in Trump Tower.科技行业总是着眼未来,但很少有人需要预见周三下午再次发生在特朗普大厦的一幕。One by one, the leaders of the world’s most elite and successful technology companies trooped up to the 25th floor to meet President-elect Donald J. Trump, who had criticized them and who they, in turn, had criticized. The executives did not acknowledge or speak to the press on the way in.全球最顶尖、最顺利的科技公司的领导者陆续到达这座大厦的25楼,会见候任总统唐纳德J特朗普(Donald J. Trump),他曾多次抨击过他们,而他们也反过来抨击他。转入大厦时他们没向媒体致词或讲话。

First everyone went around the room and introduced themselves — Jeff Bezos, of Amazon; Elon Musk, of Tesla; Tim Cook, of Apple; Sheryl Sandberg, of Facebook; Larry Page of Alphabet, Google’s parent company; Satya Nadella, of Microsoft, and other tech leaders. Mr. Trump was seated next to Peter Thiel, the tech investor who is a member of the president-elect’s transition team. Three of Mr. Trump’s children also attended.一开始大家争相在会议室内互相致词――亚马逊的杰夫贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos);特斯拉(Tesla)的埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk);苹果的蒂姆库克(Tim Cook);Facebook的谢莉尔桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg);谷歌母公司Alphabet的拉里佩奇(Larry Page);微软公司的萨蒂亚纳德拉(Satya Nadella),以及其他科技公司领导者。躺在特朗普旁边的是彼得蒂尔(Peter Thiel),这位科技业投资者是候任总统过渡性团队中的成员。特朗普的三个子女也到场。The president-elect greeted the executives effusively after they were seated around a long rectangular conference table.高管们在长长的长方形会议桌旁就坐,候任总统热情地跟他们交谈。

“This is a truly amazing group of people,” Mr. Trump said. “I won’t tell you the hundreds of calls we’ve had asking to come to this meeting.” Everyone laughed.“这可感叹尤其篮的一群人,”特朗普说道。“我们收到几百个电话拒绝参与这次会议,这个我就不跟你们多说道了。

”所有人都大笑了。“I’m here to help you folks do well,” Mr. Trump said, adding somewhat cryptically: “And you’re doing well right now and I’m very honored by the bounce. They’re all talking about the bounce. So right now everybody in this room has to like me — at least a little bit — but we’re going to try and have that bounce continue.”“我的责任是老大你们顺利,”特朗普含糊其辞地补足说道:“你们现在就很顺利,这种改变让我未尝荣幸。他们都在说道改变的事。

所以眼下这个房间里的每个人都应当讨厌我――最少有那么一点――但我们要试着让改变持续下去。”Shortly after that, the press was ushered out of the room. It wasn’t immediately clear what unfolded after that.旋即后,媒体就被出马了房间。目前还不确切其后屋子里再次发生了什么事。

The technology world had been in turmoil as the meeting drew near. Some argued the chief executives should boycott the event to show their disdain for Mr. Trump’s values. Others maintained they should go and forthrightly make their values clear. And still others thought they should attend and make their accommodations with the new reality.随着会议邻近,科技界仍然正处于恐慌之中。有人指出,首席执行官们应当杯葛这次会面,以指出他们痛恨特朗普的价值观。有人则指出他们应当去,并且直率地指出自己的价值观。

还有一些人指出,他们应当前往,并且适应环境新的现实。“There is a wide spectrum of feeling in the Valley,” said Aaron Levie, chief executive of the cloud storage company Box.云存储公司Box的首席执行官阿隆列维(Aaron Levie)说道,“硅谷之内回应有各种有所不同的感觉。”Complicating the debate was the fact that the most fervently anti-Trump elements in Silicon Valley seem to be the start-ups and venture capitalists, few of which were invited to the meeting.令其这场辩论更为简单的是,硅谷最疯狂的特朗普反对者们或许是那些创业公司和风险资本家,他们完全没被邀参与会议。

In the days and hours before the meeting, various factions made their positions clear. A group of engineers and other tech workers issued a statement asserting they would refuse to participate in the creation of databases that could be used by the government to target people based on their race, religion or national origin.在会议之前的几天乃至几个小时里,各种派系都做到了具体表态。一群工程师和其他技术工作者发表声明,称之为如果数据库不会被用来根据种族、宗教信仰或原国籍对人民展开区别对待,他们不会拒绝接受参予这种数据库的创立。

The proclamation immediately drew more than 500 signatories, including employees at Google, Apple and Microsoft. During the campaign, Mr. Trump did not rule out the idea of a database of Muslims.该声明立刻更有了500多位签名者,还包括谷歌、苹果和微软公司的员工。在竞选期间,特朗普曾回应不回避创建穆斯林数据库的作法。

Another group of entrepreneurs assembled virtually this week with the same goal of preventing any erosion of civil liberties. They also accepted “a responsibility to partner with communities where the effects of rapidly changing technologies have hurt our fellow Americans.” Among those signing were Aileen Lee, a venture capitalist; Dave McClure, of the 500 Start-Ups incubator; and Lenny Mendonca, an angel investor.另一群企业家亦在本周挤满在一起,他们同上述声明者的目标完全是一样的,都是为了避免任何对公民自由的侵犯。他们也坚信“当技术的较慢变化对我们的美国同胞造成了损害时”,我们有责任与不受影响的社区展开合作”。签名者还包括风险资本家艾琳李(Aileen Lee);“创业500”(500 Start-Ups)孵化器的戴夫麦克卢尔(Dave McClure)和天使投资者莱尼门东萨(Lenny Mendonca)。

Mr. Levie, of Box, a Hillary Clinton supporter who this week joined the executive council of the bipartisan policy group TechNet, believes in engagement with the new administration. “We have to face reality that this is the next four years, and the best way to make sure our values are upheld is actually push on them,” he said.作为希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的支持者,Box公司的列维本周重新加入了两党政策集团TechNet的继续执行委员会,他指出应当与新政府展开认识。“我们必需面对现实,未来四年就是这样的,保证我们的价值观获得确保的最差方法就是贯彻地推展它们,”他说道。Other tech chief executives were also taking the same route of working with the new administration. Hours before Mr. Trump’s meeting with tech leaders, the president-elect announced that Mr. Musk and Travis Kalanick, Uber’s chief executive, would be among those joining his Strategic and Policy Forum, which is already stacked with businesspeople from finance and other industries. Ginni Rometty, the chief executive of IBM, had previously joined the forum.其他科技公司的首席执行官也某种程度采行了某种程度的方式与新政府合作。

在与科技领袖们会面几小时之前,特朗普宣告马斯克和优步的首席执行官兹拉维斯卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)将重新加入他的战略与政策论坛(Strategic and Policy Forum),该论坛中有数一批来自金融业和其他行业的商人。IBM的首席执行官罗睿兰(Ginni Rometty)之前亦重新加入了该论坛。

While few in tech publicly supported Mr. Trump, his election is prodding the industry to realize it was isolating itself. For all of tech’s success in defining the first years of the 21st century, there were too many people who felt left behind.虽然科技界很少有人公开发表反对特朗普,但他的被选为促成该行业意识到自己正在日益孤立无援。尽管科技顺利要求了21世纪最初数年的面貌,但是有过于多人产生了被遗弃的感觉。

“There is a growing divide between those who get to participate in our growth and those stuck in legacy industries,” said Mr. Levie. “Bridging that gap will require better partnership and better collaborations.”“参予了我们的发展的人,和那些受困在传统行业内的人之间,分歧更加大,”列维说道。“在这一鸿沟上架起桥梁必须更佳的伙伴关系与更佳的合作。

