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英国19岁程序员开发出首个机器人律师【新利体育官网】发布日期:2024-06-16 浏览次数:
本文摘要:British programmer Joshua Browder is helping people save a lot of money on legal fees with his latest project – the world’s first robot lawyer. The 19-year-old developed a free service that allows users to ask any kind of legal question and receive relevant answers autogenerated by bots.  英国程序员约书亚布劳德只有19岁,他的新项目——世界上第一个机器人律师,能老大人们省下不少法律费用。

British programmer Joshua Browder is helping people save a lot of money on legal fees with his latest project – the world’s first robot lawyer. The 19-year-old developed a free service that allows users to ask any kind of legal question and receive relevant answers autogenerated by bots.  英国程序员约书亚布劳德只有19岁,他的新项目——世界上第一个机器人律师,能老大人们省下不少法律费用。用户告知的任何法律问题,机器人程序都可以自动分解涉及答案,而且此项服务是免费的。  Browder first started the project last summer as a free website to help people appeal unfair parking tickets. He came up with the idea after getting a series of tickets himself for “trivial reasons”. Having wasted several hours on writing appeals to these tickets, he realised that many people do not have the time, legal knowledge or even the energy to appeal. So he decided to create an automatic appeal generator, using previously successful letters as a template. He aptly named the service DoNotPay, given that the legal fees involved in challenging tickets could mount up to sizable amounts between $400 to $900.  这个项目去年夏天刚开始启动,当时布劳德只是想要做到一个免费网站,协助人们对不公平的行驶罚单展开裁决。他打消出有这个点子是因为他自己就因“无关紧要的原因”被进了一连串的罚单。


鉴于对罚单展开裁决的法律费用可以超过400至900美元之多,他合理地给这项服务命名为“不要借钱”。  DoNotPay was a huge success, and the tech genius has now gone a step further with the website, converting it into a full fledged robo lawyer equipped to help with a range of legal issues. “I realised that the best way to help people would be to create a computer program that could talk to users, generate appeals, and answer questions like a human,” he told Mashable. “The robot can currently handle parking ticket appeals, payment protection insurance (PPI) claims and delayed flights/trains. It can also answer some general legal questions like ‘I can’t afford my ticket. What do I do?’”  “不要借钱”获得了极大的顺利,这个科技天才在网站的基础上又向前迈进了一步,把网站转化成一个接受充份训练的机器人律师,可以协助人们解决问题许多法律问题。他对新闻网站Mashable说道:“我意识到协助人们的最差方式就是建构一个电脑程序,这个程序可以与人对话、分解上诉书、问问题,就像人一样。目前,这个机器人可以处置行驶罚单裁决问题、缴纳维护保险(PPI)赔偿问题和飞机、火车延后问题。

它还可以答案一些基本的法律问题,比如‘我付不起罚单,该怎么办?’”  “I am ultimately looking to give it as much functionality as possible in the spirit of trying to replace the large group of exploitative lawyers,” he added. To use the service, users need to go to the website donotpay.co.uk and sign up for free. Once signed in, the robot will ask the user a series of questions about their situation. When it has collected enough information, and if the person has legal grounds for an appeal, the robot will then generate a letter for the person to use.  他还说道:“秉着设法防止被大批律师奴役的精神,我总是尽量地给它多加到功能”。用于这项服务,用户必须到网站donotpay.co.uk免费登记。

登记顺利后,机器人不会向他们告知一系列有关自身情况的问题。搜集到充足信息后,如果用户的受理有法律依据,机器人就不会分解上诉书。  Browder told Mashable that he received good advice from his professors at Stanford University, where he is currently a freshman. “Initially, I thought the best way to go about it was to create lots of individual rules for it to follow,” he explained. “However, I quickly failed with this approach because there are thousands of ways to say the same thing and it would be impossible to catch every one. The breakthrough came when I learned how to create a way for the robot to learn and compare phrases itself, so that it doesn’t matter how the user phrases his or her requests.”  现在布劳德在斯坦福大学读书大一,他告诉他Mashable说道教授给了他很好的建议。


当我学会如何让机器人自身去自学和辨别措辞时,这才有了突破。这样一来用户发问的方式就不成问题了。”  So he programmed the robot to use text comparison that includes keywords, word order and pronouns. And the more that people use the robot, the better the algorithm gets. But there are situations where the robot can’t help, there’s a response ready for that too. “If the robot can’t answer, it provides generic and helpful message offering the user some sample phrases or the option of contacting me directly,” Browder said. “On the backend, whenever the robot can’t answer, I get notified and I work as quickly as possible to add functionality for any future requests of a similar nature.”  因此他给机器人加装了文本对比程序,还包括对比关键词、词序和代词。


