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Uber打车软件遭遇北京堵车难题【新利体育官网】发布日期:2024-06-27 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Uber formally launched its ride-summoning smartphone app in Beijing this week. But the Chinese capital has presented the U.S. car service company with a vexing problem: how to handle the citys bumper-to-bumper traffic.美国汽车服务公司Uber本周在北京月发售叫车应用软件,但却面对着如何应付北京交通堵塞的难题。

Uber formally launched its ride-summoning smartphone app in Beijing this week. But the Chinese capital has presented the U.S. car service company with a vexing problem: how to handle the citys bumper-to-bumper traffic.美国汽车服务公司Uber本周在北京月发售叫车应用软件,但却面对着如何应付北京交通堵塞的难题。Saying Beijing has a traffic problem is something of an understatement. A 2011 study by UBS showed it to be the worst among a number of Chinese cities it tracked, with average traveling speed time a glacial 12 kilometers per hour. By contrast, traffic in New York goes roughly twice as fast, a fact that would probably shock commuters idling on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. To demonstrate the problem, one media outfit once pit a Porsche against a bicycle in a race across the citys center. (Residents of the city can guess which won.)说道“北京有交通拥堵问题”有点过于轻描淡写了。根据2011年瑞士银行(UBS)的一项调查,在该行追踪的众多中国城市中,北京的交通拥堵情况尤为相当严重,车辆平均值行经速度只有12公里/小时。相比之下,纽约的车速要比北京慢一倍,这可能会让较慢行经在布鲁克林-皇后区较慢路上的通勤者大感车祸。

为了突显交通问题的相当严重,某媒体机构还曾做了一次保时捷与自行车穿过市中心的比赛。(北京市民可以猜一猜谁输掉了。)Beijing is the last of what are generally considered Chinas four tier-one cities that Uber Technologies Inc. has entered. The app -- which in China connects users with drivers via agreements with rental-car fleet operators and driving services -- formally launched in Shanghai in February and has since been launched in the twin southern boomtowns of Guangzhou and Shenzhen.在中国的四个一线城市中,北京是Uber Technologies Inc.最后转入的。这款应用于通过与出租车运营商和驾驶员服务公司之间的协议把中国用户与司机联系一起,该应用于今年2月月在上海发售,之后又在南方新兴城市广州和深圳发售。

Such cities also have their traffic problems -- and also fared poorly in UBSs traffic study -- but Uber acknowledges Beijing poses a particular problem. In addition to traffic, theres the citys sheer geographic size.这些城市也面对交通问题,在瑞银的交通调查中也归属于交通堵塞城市。但Uber否认,北京的问题很尤其。除了交通拥堵之外,这个城市的超大地理面积也是个问题。Beijing is a big, complicated city, said Allen Penn, Ubers head of Asia. He added, in short, we cant change the traffic.Uber亚洲主管Allen Penn称之为,北京是一个极大的、简单的城市。

他补足说道,总而言之,Uber转变没法那里的交通状况。Its solution is to start...well, slow. The company, which is in 41 countries, soft-launched its Beijing service about three months ago with a focus just on the tony Sanlitun shopping district. With its official launch, it has added the citys Central Business District. Other rollouts will be gradual, Mr. Penn said. By contrast, when it launched in Shanghai, the apps reach covered broader swaths of that city.Uber的解决办法是慢慢来。约三个月前,这家目前早已进占41个国家的公司高调发售了在北京的服务,但只重点注目时髦的三里屯购物区。在北京月公布后,该公司又将北京的中心商业区涵盖在内。

Penn称之为,将循序渐进加到其他区域。相比之下,该应用软件在上海发售时覆盖面积了更加辽阔的范围。Mr. Penn says Uber is making progress handling the traffic and is using customer data to figure out where to best position cars and drivers. Cars now take an average of about nine minutes to reach Beijing customers, he said, compared with 14 minutes, the average when the company first soft-launched in the city. That figure puts Beijing just behind Shanghai, where customers usually wait about eight minutes for a ride.Penn称之为,Uber在处置交通状况方面正在获得变革,它目前用于客户数据来计算出来出有配备汽车和司机的最差方位。他称之为,目前北京客户平均值必须花费约九分钟才能碰到车,而该公司在北京第一次高调发售服务时,客户平均值必须花费14分钟。

这样一来,北京客户的微信速度仅有稍微领先于上海,上海客户一般来说必须等候约八分钟才能打上车。Still, the nine-minute wait puts Beijing well behind New York, where rides are filled in three or four minutes, and Singapore, where it takes seven minutes. Ultimately, Mr. Penn said, Uber wants to whittle Beijings time down to five minutes.但九分钟的等待时间仍相比之下低于纽约,那里的客户微信只必须三四分钟,在新加坡用于该应用软件微信则必须七分钟。

Penn称之为,Uber期望最后将北京客户的等待时间降到五分钟。Its launch day. Its day one, he said, adding, we have a long way to go, clearly.他说道:“服务才刚发售,今天才是第一天,我们很确切还有很长的路要回头。

