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新利体育官网|乐视终止收购美国电视制造商Vizio发布日期:2024-06-28 浏览次数:
本文摘要:To the list of unconsummated Sino-US takeovers, add LeEco’s $2bn deal for US TV maker Vizio.在未完成的中美收购计划的名单上,可添上乐视(LeEco) 20亿美元并购美国电视制造商Vizio的交易。

To the list of unconsummated Sino-US takeovers, add LeEco’s $2bn deal for US TV maker Vizio.在未完成的中美收购计划的名单上,可添上乐视(LeEco) 20亿美元并购美国电视制造商Vizio的交易。The Chinese technology company said on Monday that it would not proceed with its previously announced deal to buy California-based Vizio “due to regulatory headwinds”.这家中国科技公司周一回应,此前宣告的并购总部坐落于加州的Vizio的协议“由于受到监管方面的阻力”将仍然前进。Instead the two companies said in a statement that they will now “explore opportunities” to incorporate LeEco’s content into Vizio’s devices.取而代之的是,两家公司在一份声明中回应,现在他们将“探寻机会”将乐视的内容统合到Vizio的设备中。LeEco, which sells online video streaming services as well as phones, had originally announced plans to buy Vizio for $2bn last July as part of its efforts to ramp up its presence overseas.销售在线视频流服务以及手机的乐视,在去年7月宣告计划以20亿美元并购Vizio,作为其不断扩大海外业务希望的一部分。

However, doubts began to surface about the viability of the deal amid concerns over Vizio’s data collection practices – which ultimately resulted in a settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission in February.然而,对Vizio搜集用户数据不道德的忧虑——今年2月,Vizio最后与美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)早已达成协议妥协——使外界开始批评这笔交易的可行性。The move by LeEco comes as Chinese companies face tighter US regulatory scrutiny on national security grounds especially in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential victory in November.乐视退出并购之际,中国企业面对美国以国家安全性为由强化监管审查,特别是在是在唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)去年11月被选为总统之后。

