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云计算产业定下小目标 2019年规模达4300亿元【新利体育官网】发布日期:2024-08-13 浏览次数:
本文摘要:China is aiming to increase the scale of its cloud computing industry by more than 2.5 times by 2019, from 2015 levels, according to a new government plan.根据一项新的政府计划,到2019年,我国云计算产业规模将在2015年的基础上快速增长多达2.5倍。

China is aiming to increase the scale of its cloud computing industry by more than 2.5 times by 2019, from 2015 levels, according to a new government plan.根据一项新的政府计划,到2019年,我国云计算产业规模将在2015年的基础上快速增长多达2.5倍。The scale of the cloud computing industry will be expanded to 430 billion yuan by 2019, up from 150 billion yuan in 2015, according to an action plan for 2017-2019 issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.根据工业和信息化部印发的《云计算发展三年行动计划(2017-2019年)》,到2019年,我国云计算产业规模将从2015年的1500亿元减至4300亿元。Other targets include making breakthroughs in core technologies, increasing cloud computing in manufacturing and government affairs, and strengthening the global influence of Chinese cloud computing companies.其他目标还包括在核心技术上获得突破,提高云计算在生产、政务领域的应用于水平以及强化中国云计算企业的国际影响力。The ministry expects that two to three Chinese cloud computing companies will lead the global market within three years.工信部希望3年内兴起2-3家引导全球市场的中国云计算企业。

Cloud computing should be a strong support for Chinas manufacturing and internet industries and help make other social and economic sectors informationized, the ministry said.工信部称之为,云计算不应沦为中国制造业和互联网产业的强力承托,协助其他社会和经济领域构建信息化。The ministry pledged to enhance cloud computing network security and improve security regulation and relevant laws.该部门允诺强化云计算网络安全,并完备安全监管及涉及法律。In the next three years, the government will help boost cloud computing technologies and encourage local governments to work with leading cloud computing companies to build public service platforms.在接下来的三年时间里,我国政府将不会协助增进云计算的发展,并希望地方政府和领先的云计算企业合作,一起打造出公共服务平台。

