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谷歌签约租用Nasa莫菲特机场60年|新利体育官网发布日期:2024-08-16 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Google has taken a 60-year lease on a Nasa airfield next to its Silicon Valley headquarters as it pushes deeper into researching areas like space exploration and vehicles capable of navigating other planets.谷歌(Google)签订了一份租给其硅谷总部旁边一个美国国家航空航天局(Nasa)辖下机场60年的合约。

Google has taken a 60-year lease on a Nasa airfield next to its Silicon Valley headquarters as it pushes deeper into researching areas like space exploration and vehicles capable of navigating other planets.谷歌(Google)签订了一份租给其硅谷总部旁边一个美国国家航空航天局(Nasa)辖下机场60年的合约。谷歌于是以了解许多研究领域,比如太空探寻和能飞行中至其他行星的飞行器。The lease includes a commitment to spend $200m on the facilities at the Moffett airfield, including renovating a gigantic, historic airship hangar that has become a prominent local landmark.这份租约的内容还包括,允诺对莫菲特(Moffett)机场的设施投资2亿美元,比如要对一个体积极大、具备历史意义的飞机库展开装修。

该飞机库已沦为当地一处知名地标。Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, along with chairman Eric Schmidt, have had an agreement with Nasa for some time to use the airfield as a base for their private jets.谷歌创始人拉里佩奇(Larry Page)和塞吉布林(Sergey Brin),以及董事长埃里克施密特(Eric Schmidt),此前已同Nasa签定了一份协议,在一段时间内用于什菲特作为他们私人飞机的基地。The space agency rejected an offer to pay for the renovation of Moffett’s Hangar One, which stands some 200 feet high, in return for allowing Google executives to house their planes in the building, opting instead to run a competitive tender for facilities last year.此前Nasa拒绝接受了谷歌缴纳装修什菲特机场一号飞机库的费用的建议,但容许谷歌高管将私人飞机驶离该机场,并在去年明确提出对机场设施装修项目展开招标。

Announcing a deal with Google on Monday, Nasa said the Moffett facilities would be used for “research, development, assembly and testing in the areas of space exploration, aviation, rover/robotics and other emerging technologies”.Nasa周一宣告与谷歌达成协议租约时回应,什菲特机场设施将被用作“太空探寻、航空、月球车/机器人等新兴科技领域的研究、研发、组装和试验。”Google has not disclosed any plans of its own to engage in interplanetary exploration, though it has offered a $20m prize for any private mission before the end of next year that can land a robot on the moon, travel 500 meters and send back images.谷歌没透露自己参予星际探寻的任何计划,但成立了2000万美元奖项,用作奖励在明年底之前构建机器人登岸月球、行驶500米并传回图像的任何民间项目。The lease will bring in $1.16bn in rents over its 60-year life and save $6.3m a year in operating costs, Nasa said on Monday. The agency and a Google real estate subsidiary called Planetary Resources first reached a tentative deal for the airfield in February, though terms were not disclosed at the time.Nasa周一回应,这份租约将在60年内带给11.6亿美元租金收益,每年节省运营成本约630万美元。

今年2月,Nasa首先与谷歌的房地产业务子公司行星资源(Planetary Resources)达成协议了一项租给什菲特机场的可行性协议,不过当时没透露协议条款。Sitting alongside Google’s headquarters, Moffett has already become a focus of the company’s attention as it outgrows its campus and spreads into nearby neighbourhoods in Mountain View and Palo Alto. Besides using it for the private planes of its top executives, Google has already agreed to lease part of the land to extend its facilities.除了把莫菲特机场作为谷歌顶级高管的私人飞机基地外,谷歌还将租给机场部分土地以改建其设施。The three hangars and the airstrip covered by the latest lease include 1,000 acres of land alongside San Francisco Bay, part of which is used as a private golf course.近期租约涵括的三个飞机库和滑行道,还包括旧金山湾(San Francisco Bay)沿岸的1000英亩土地。


