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【新利体育官网】中国首艘民营极地科考破冰船建造项目日前启动发布日期:2024-01-22 浏览次数:
本文摘要:A Chinese company last Thursday announced plans to build an icebreaker, which will be Chinas first privately owned polar research vessel.一家中国生产企业于上周四宣告计划修建一艘破冰船,这将是中国首艘民营极地科考船。

A Chinese company last Thursday announced plans to build an icebreaker, which will be Chinas first privately owned polar research vessel.一家中国生产企业于上周四宣告计划修建一艘破冰船,这将是中国首艘民营极地科考船。The icebreaker Hadal X will be built by Dutch shipyard Damen Group and owned and operated by Shanghai-based Rainbowfish Ocean Technology.这艘取名为“深渊极客”号的破冰船,将由荷兰船厂达门集团承建商,并由总部坐落于上海的彩虹鱼海洋科技公司所有及独家运营。Construction will start in 2018 and the icebreaker will be put into operation in 2021.修建将于2018年月开始,并将于2021年投放运营用于。The vessel will be 95 meters long and 17 meters wide, with a displacement of 5,000 tonnes, according to the preliminary design.根据初步设计,该船将宽95米,长17米,排水量约5000吨。

The icebreaker, which will be operated by a crew of 75, will have a cruising radius of 8,000 nautical miles (about 15,000 km) and will carry a helicopter and submersibles.这艘破冰船将不会由75个船员来操作者,巡弋半径将超过8000海里(大约15000公里),并将配有直升机和潜水器。Xuelong, or Dragon Snow, is currently Chinas only polar icebreaker. It was bought from a Ukrainian company in 1993. The government began construction of its first Chinese-made polar icebreaker in 2016.目前,“雪龙号”是中国唯一一艘破冰船,是1993年从乌克兰的一家公司出售的。


