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新利体育官网|Hotmail将更名为Outlook.com 再见,Hotmail!发布日期:2024-09-18 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Goodbye, Hotmail. 妳,Hotmail。

Goodbye, Hotmail. 妳,Hotmail。Microsoft is giving its 16-year-old Web-email service a total overhaul and a new name. And the results are impressive. 微软公司(Microsoft)于是以对其享有16年历史的网页电子邮件服务展开完全改头换面,并给它起了个新的名字。

结果令人眼前一亮。Starting this week, it will be called Outlook.com. This is part of a new Microsoft strategy to use Outlook as the name for all its email offerings. 从本周开始,Hotmail将改名为Outlook.com。这是微软公司用“Outlook”命名其所有邮件服务的新战略的一部分。Ive been using a pre-release version of this new email service for the past seven days and it includes dozens of smart features that simplify the otherwise-exasperating process of managing your email inbox. Examples include optional one-click scheduled cleanups of mail that delete all but the last message you got from someone; a safe, built-in way to unsubscribe from newsletters; and easy methods for creating email sorting rules for new and old messages. I cut the number of emails in my inbox in half after the first day of using Outlook.com. 过去七天我仍然在用于这款近期电子邮件服务的预公布版,其中还包括数十种修改收件箱管理流程的智能功能,过去的收件箱管理可是够烦人的。

举例来说,用户可以通过一键定期清扫工具(scheduled cleanup)移除某个人发送到的除近期邮件外的所有邮件;安全性、嵌入式的电子报订阅者中止方式;简单的原作新旧电子邮件的分类方式。第一天用于Outlook.com后,我把收件箱里的邮件数量减半了一半。The new Web-email service also incorporates social networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, displaying profile photos and status updates alongside email messages. And yes, youll have the option of getting a new, @Outlook.com address, though you can also opt to stick with your @hotmail.com address. Though Hotmail is still the leading Web email service world-wide with over 325 million users, according to comScore Inc., Yahoo and Googles Gmail dominate in the U.S. 这款新的网页电子邮件服务还统合了推特(Twitter)、Facebook和LinkedIn等社交网站,可以在用户关上邮件时表明发件人在这些网站的头像和状态改版。

还有,用户还可以自由选择提供一个新的@Outlook.com地址,不过也可以之后用于@hotmail.com地址。据comScore Inc.统计资料,尽管Hotmail享有多达3.25亿用户,在全球仍然是领先的网页电子邮件服务,但雅虎(Yahoo)和谷歌(Google)的Gmail主导着美国市场。

This is just one of many dramatic moves at Microsoft this summer. The company is readying for the massive fall launch of Windows 8, which will historically meld the desktop PC and tablet operating systems in one place. It also just announced a new version of Office 2013, which updates the software program to work smarter with the Web. If that wasnt enough, in June the company announced its upcoming iPad challenger, Surface, which favors Apples model of designing and manufacturing hardware in lieu of Microsofts traditional software-only philosophy. 这只是微软公司今年夏天众多大动作的其中一个。微软公司于是以打算在秋季全面公布Windows 8,该系统将历史性地将台式个人电脑和平板电脑操作系统合二为一。微软公司还刚公布了新版 Office 2013,升级后的版本令其软件在网页上运营更加智能。

不仅于此,微软公司还在6月份宣告将要发售挑战iPad的平板电脑Surface。这款平板电脑使用了与苹果类似于的设计和硬件生产模式,摒弃了微软公司传统的软件平等主义哲学。Not all of the features in Outlook.com will work as you expect. Only half of my email contacts names appeared with profile photos automatically pulled in from Facebook. This was because those friends either werent on Facebook or had registered for Facebook with an email other than the one they were using to communicate with me. I only saw a couple friends Twitter updates. Facebook chat is also built in, but I rarely use this. Outlook.com的这些功能并非都能如你想象的那样运营。


When Outlook.coms automatic linking to social networks did work, the result was magical. Dull, text-only contact names were suddenly enhanced by photos, some from people I didnt know were on Facebook. 在Outlook.com与社交网站的自动关联起起到时,效果是很神秘的。单调的纯文字联系人名字忽然被图片美化了,有的人我都不告诉他们在上Facebook。I didnt have to leave email to see my friends latest status updates. I could click a thumbs-up icon to like the status right in Outlook.com, or click a word bubble to comment, though this sent me off to Facebook.com. If someone was registered on Facebook but we werent friends, I saw that persons profile photo and a link to add the person as a friend. I did this with one of my longtime tennis teammates. 我不必解散邮件就能看见好友近期的状态改版。


The overall look of Outlook.com is much cleaner and more refined compared to Hotmail. Fonts are larger and easier to read, and it has built-in, playful animations that made me want to send emails: Each time I hit Send, the whole message appeared to instantly shrink and be sent off away from me. 与Hotmail比起,Outlook.com的整体外观更加简练更加精美。字体变小了,更加便利读者,而且还有冷笑话的内置动画能引发我发邮件的性欲:每次我页面“发送到”的时候,整个邮件或许马上增大然后被发送到过来。

Rather than cramming Mail, People, Calendar and SkyDrive (Microsofts cloud storage service) into one screen, Outlook.com lets you toggle between these categories using four large tiles. And these tiles only appear when you tap a drop-down arrow, so they dont take up space on your screen. Outlook.com没把邮件(Mail)、联系人(People)、日历(Calendar)和SkyDrive(微软公司的云储存服务)都挤迫在一个屏幕上,而是制成四个方块,让用户可以自由选择。只有页面顶部的下拉箭头这些方块才经常出现,因此会闲置屏幕空间。The old Hotmail did a nice job handling photos. Outlook.com takes that a step further by seamlessly integrating SkyDrive. When I attached photos to emails, a message appeared in the composing screen prompting me to, instead, share the photos via SkyDrive, which sends thumbnail images in emails and links friends to the Web to see actual images, rather than clogging my friends inboxes with big attachments. 原本的Hotmail在处置图片方面做到得不俗。

Outlook.com通过与SkyDrive无缝统合又更加入了一步。给邮件加到附件时,编写邮件的屏幕不会经常出现一个提示信息让我通过SkyDrive共享这些图片,SkyDrive不会在邮件中发送到缩略图,并将好友链接至网页查阅完整图片,而会把大的附件塞满好友的邮箱。Also in this email-composing screen, I could name the new SkyDrive folder that would hold my photos. People who received these emails were delighted, like my sister, who said it was easy to scroll through images-and she loved that there wasnt a complicated sign-in. 在编写邮件的屏幕上,我还可以命名一个储存图片的SkyDrive新的文件夹。

接到这些邮件的人都很高兴,就像我妹妹一样,她说道很更容易就能上下滑动图片,还有一点她也很讨厌,就是没简单的指定过程。But what if you use another Web mail service and all of your friends already know that address and email you there? Outlook.com is only too happy to import your contacts from other services, and it offers a way to receive email from other accounts. You can also send mail from Outlook.com on behalf of your other accounts, like Gmail. Outlook.com is technically in a preview stage, but Microsoft said it will remove the on behalf of later this year and just send emails as if they were from your other account. 但如果你用的是别的网页邮件服务,而你所有的好友都早已告诉你的那个邮箱并给那个地址发邮件怎么办?Outlook.com巴不得从其他服务引入你的联系人呢,而且用户还可以通过其他账户缴纳邮件。用户还可以在Outlook.com“代表”Gmail等其他账户发邮件。

Outlook.com在技术层面上还在“预览”阶段,但微软公司说道将不会在今年晚些时候去除“代表”功能,到时邮件看上去就看起来从其他账户收到的。Outlook.com doesnt have a smart way of automatically sorting important emails, like Googles Gmail Priority Inbox, which is my favorite feature in Gmail. Outlook.com没像Gmail的“优先收件箱”(Priority Inbox)那样自动整理最重要邮件的智能功能,“优先收件箱”是我最喜欢的Gmail的一项功能。

Microsofts new Outlook.com looks elegant and has a remarkably user-friendly interface. If youre overwhelmed by a cluttered inbox, want a better way to sort emails or need an easier way to share photos and files, Outlook.com is a winner. 微软公司新的发售的Outlook.com具有高雅的外观和极为友好关系的用户界面。如果你受不了杂乱的收件箱,想一个更佳的整理邮件的方法,或想更加便利地共享照片和文件,那么自由选择Outlook.com认同到底。

