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腾讯收购芬兰游戏公司引发玩家担忧|新利体育官网发布日期:2024-09-22 浏览次数:
本文摘要:HONG KONG — In the world of Clash of Clans, Hou Dai has played — and paid — enough that he now leads his own clan of 50 online players.香港——在《部落冲突》(Clash of Clans)的世界里,候棣(音)投放的时间——以及金钱——充足多,所以现在能领导一个由50名在线玩家构成的部落。

HONG KONG — In the world of Clash of Clans, Hou Dai has played — and paid — enough that he now leads his own clan of 50 online players.香港——在《部落冲突》(Clash of Clans)的世界里,候棣(音)投放的时间——以及金钱——充足多,所以现在能领导一个由50名在线玩家构成的部落。At one time, Mr. Hou, a 22-year-old recent college graduate from Shenyang, played the smartphone game as much as six hours a day. He estimates that he has spent 40,000 renminbi, about $6,000, on the game over the last three years.22岁的候棣是沈阳人,前不久刚刚大学毕业。有一段时间,他每天打这款手游的时间宽约六个小时。

他估算自己过去三年里在这款游戏上花上了4万元人民币。Mr. Hou’s spending habits show why the Chinese internet giant Tencent just paid $8.6 billion for a controlling stake in Supercell, the Finnish creator of Clash of Clans, from the SoftBank Group Corporation of Japan.候棣的消费习惯说明了了中国互联网巨头腾讯刚出资86亿美元(约合565亿元人民币),从日本软银集团股份有限公司(SoftBank Group Corporation)手中买下《部落冲突》的芬兰开发商Supercell控股权的理由。The deal will most likely help Tencent bolster its reputation — rare among global technology companies — for having figured out how to make money from mobile devices. The company has already successfully integrated functions like shopping and money transfers into its popular Chinese chat apps.这笔交易近于有可能协助腾讯稳固其掌控移动设备赚诀窍的声誉,而这在全球科技公司中实属少见。腾讯早已顺利地将购物和账户等功能融合入了旗下用户众多的中文聊天应用于。

It also adds to Tencent’s collection of video games so that it can become a truly global player — in contrast to most Chinese digital and media companies, which have often struggled to acquire and run valuable foreign products and services. The deal gives Tencent a particularly strong presence in mobile games, adding a global angle to a mobile menu that already includes the most popular smartphone chat app in China.交易也不会让腾讯旗下的视频游戏家族再行再配新成员,使该公司需要沦为一个确实全球化的竞争主体。相比之下,中国大部分数字和媒体公司往往无力并购和经营有价值的外国产品及服务。这笔交易让腾讯沦为了移动游戏领域一支尤其强劲的力量,为其移动业务加添了全球视角。中国用户最少的智能手机聊天应用于乃是腾讯的移动业务之一。

But it raises a question for the Chinese company: Can it retain the people that turned Supercell’s games into hits?但它也给这家中国公司带给了一个问题:能否觅让Supercell的多款游戏大获得顺利的那些人?Many devotees of Clash of Clans and other Supercell games spend real money on fake currency and other resources to build their in-game power and heft. With the help of dedicated players like Mr. Hou, the small in-game fees, known as micropayments, have turned into a huge revenue stream that makes Supercell a major player in mobile gaming.很多《部落冲突》和Supercell其他游戏的心目中玩家用真为金白银出售虚拟世界货币和其他资源,来打造出他们在游戏中的力量和影响力。在候棣这种专心的玩家的协助下,游戏中的小额费用,又叫微缴纳,演变了一笔极大的收益,让Supercell沦为了移动游戏领域的巨擘。Supercell, in filings with the Finnish government, posted $2.4 billion in revenue last year. In April, the company was making just under $4 million a day in revenue from Clash of Clans, according to a SuperData Research estimate.在递交给芬兰政府的文件中,Supercell称之为去年的收益为24亿美元。据超级数据研究公司(SuperData Research)估算,今年4月,《部落冲突》每天给Supercell带给的收益相似400万美元。

“Tencent makes about $1 billion from its gaming operations outside of China,” said Peter Warman, chief executive of Newzoo, a gaming analytics company based in Amsterdam. “With Supercell, they will more than double that. It’s a very strategic move for them.”“境外游戏业务给腾讯带给了约10亿美元的盈利,”设于阿姆斯特丹的游戏分析公司Newzoo的首席执行官彼得·沃曼(Peter Warman)说道。“有了Supercell,这个数字不会翻一番有余。

对他们来说,这是十分具备战略意义的一步。”The Supercell takeover is Tencent’s largest to date. Over the last five years, the Chinese company — which has a market value of $210 billion — has made strategic investments and acquisitions of games across the world. The company controls Riot Games, which created the hugely popular League of Legends, and the European mobile game maker Miniclip. It also has a stake in CJ Games of South Korea.对Supercell的并购是腾讯迄今为止仅次于的一笔交易。过去五年里,这家市值2100亿美元的中国公司在全球游戏领域展开了多笔战略投资和并购。

它掌控着热门游戏《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)的开发商Riot Games和欧洲移动游戏开发商Miniclip的控股权,并持有人韩国CJ Games的股份。“Tencent has been aggressively out buying overseas developers,” said Mark Natkin, managing director of the technology research firm Marbridge Consulting, “not only with an eye to leveraging those companies’ games in China but also for expanding Tencent’s footprint globally.”“腾讯仍然在大力迎击,并购海外开发商,”科技调研公司迈博瑞咨询有限公司(Marbridge Consulting)的继续执行董事马克·纳特金(Mark Natkin)说道。

“不仅侧重在中国利用那些公司的游戏,还期望在全球不断扩大腾讯的影响力。”A sort of internet conglomerate, Tencent has no real analogue in the United States. Because internet advertising has had slow growth in China, the company has used games to make money from its hugely successful messaging and social media products. With its messaging app WeChat, which has more than 700 million monthly active users, Tencent can easily connect a huge number of new players to Supercell’s games.美国没确实与腾讯类似于的这种互联网集团公司。因为中国互联网广告快速增长较慢,该公司之后利用游戏从旗下大获得顺利的即时通讯和社交媒体产品中赚。

通过月活跃用户超强七亿的即时通讯应用于微信,腾讯可以轻而易举地将大量新的玩家同Supercell的游戏连接起来。Tencent is hoping to retain the huge number of players as well as the engineers behind the games. Supercell has been able to chalk up a string of gaming successes, mostly by giving top talent a greater amount of independence to develop projects, experts say. But the Finnish gaming giant’s engineers could choose to leave if they are not given the same independence they enjoyed under SoftBank.腾讯期望觅大量玩家和那些游戏背后的工程师。

专家称之为,Supercell需要在游戏领域获得一连串的胜利主要是因为它容许顶尖人才在项目研发中拥有更好的独立自主权。但如果享用将近软银有限公司时的那种独立性,这家芬兰游戏巨头的工程师可能会自由选择离开了。To that end, executives at Tencent and Supercell emphasized in a conference call that Supercell would keep its autonomy.为了超过留人的目的,腾讯和Supercell在一次电话会议上特别强调,Supercell将保有自主权。“We would say it makes a lot of sense for them to stay independent,” Martin Lau, president of Tencent, said on the call. “What is making them great, we want to preserve.”“我们想要说道的是,让他们维持独立国家十分明智,”腾讯总裁刘炽平在会议上说道。

“对于那些让他们取得成功的特色,我们期望保有。”Ilkka Paananen, the chief executive of Supercell, said Tencent’s track record of allowing Riot to build out League of Legends on its own was reassuring.Supercell首席执行官伊尔卡·帕纳宁(Ilkka Paananen)回应,腾讯容许Riot独立国家发展《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)的过往记录避免了这方面的忧虑。Tencent said that Supercell employees would receive long-term incentive plans. Such an offer, analysts said, would signal that Tencent realizes that it owes the value of the company’s games to the large number of players and to Supercell’s game design prowess.腾讯回应,Supercell的员工不会接到长年鼓舞计划。分析人士称之为,这类待遇指出腾讯意识到,Supercell的游戏的价值造就规模可观的玩家群体和该公司在游戏设计方面的高超才智。

The acquisition also represents the latest push by large internet companies into the fast-growing mobile gaming industry, which had a combined revenue of almost $35 billion last year, according to Newzoo.这笔并购交易也代表着大型互联网公司进占快速增长的移动游戏行业的近期案例。据Newzoo称之为,去年移动游戏行业收益总额相似350亿美元。Companies like Supercell and Rovio, a Finnish counterpart that is behind the Angry Birds franchise, were once able to create hit after hit with smartphone games. But the increased competition for consumers’ attention, analysts say, has made it more difficult to break through with new games.像Supercell和芬兰另一家游戏公司、《气愤的小鸟》(Angry Birds)系列背后的开发商Rovio这种公司,曾多次需要凭借智能手机游戏建构一个又一个顺利。但分析人士称之为,争夺战消费者的竞争激化,造成新游戏取得成功的可玩性增大。

Faced with such cutthroat rivalries, independent gaming studios are being taken over by larger companies that can outspend the competition. Mobile gaming has become such a big business that even established players like Supercell need flush financial backers to fund their expansion.面临这种残忍的竞争,独立国家游戏公司争相被更大的公司并购。这些大公司享有充足财力,可以压过输掉。移动游戏这个市场显得如此之大,以至于连Supercell这样的老牌竞争主体都必须财力雄厚的后台为自己的扩展获取资金。“You need very deep pockets to play in this field,” said Mr. Warman, of Newzoo. “So if Tencent wants to play in this area, it has to be willing to pay top dollar.”“财力得十分实力雄厚,才能在这个领域参予竞争,”Newzoo的沃曼说道。

“所以腾讯如果想要在这个行业参予竞争,就得不愿大手笔花钱。”King Digital, the British-Swedish gaming company behind the Candy Crush franchise, for example, was bought by Activision Blizzard last year for $5.9 billion, in part to help the larger gaming company expand its global reach.比如,研发出有了糖果消灭传奇(Candy Crush)系列的英国和瑞典合资公司国王数码(King Digital),去年被规模比它大的游戏公司动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)以59亿美元的价格并购。这笔交易在一定程度上是为了协助后者拓展自己的全球影响力。

Mr. Hou said he was excited about the prospect of new Chinese features, but he warned that players were also worried because Tencent has a reputation for wringing money out of games.候棣说道,他对可能会经常出现中国元素兴奋不已,但他规劝称之为玩家也很担忧,因为腾讯有从游戏上肆意捞钱的名声。Julianna Wu, a Hong Kong college student who plays Clash Royale, another popular Supercell title, with her boyfriend for about two hours a day, echoed those worries.香港大学生朱莉安娜·吴每天不会和男朋友打两个小时的《皇室战争》(Clash Royale)。

这是Supercell发售的另一款倍受青睐的游戏。她也传达了这种担忧。“Tencent buying the company may not be good for poor users like me who don’t have money to spend,” she said. “I’m worried it will become a game that only rich users are good at.”“腾讯并购这家公司可能会对我这种借钱的穷用户有利,”她说道。“我担忧它不会变为一款只合适有钱人的游戏。

