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苹果公司低调停产ipod nano,ipod shuffle【新利体育官网】发布日期:2024-10-07 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Apple has quietly discontinued two of its classic iPods, signalling the death of the iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle.苹果高调投产了旗下两部经 iPod产品,iPod Nano和iPod Shuffle。

Apple has quietly discontinued two of its classic iPods, signalling the death of the iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle.苹果高调投产了旗下两部经 iPod产品,iPod Nano和iPod Shuffle。Two of Apples three remaining iPods have disappeared from the Apple Store, leaving the iPod Touch as the only standalone music device available.iPod系列共计三款产品,如今两款已从苹果商店下架,只只剩iPod Touch 一款音乐播放器。

Both devices were launched in 2005, four years after the original iPod. Apple sold 54.8m iPods at the peak of their popularity in 2008, but sales dropped to just 14.3m in 2014 before the company stopped reporting numbers.2005年,iPod Nano和iPod Shuffle月下架,距离首款iPod产品发售时隔四年。2008年,iPod热卖,顶峰时销量约5480万部,2014年销量下降至1430万,此后苹果仍然向外发布明确销量。

The popularity of iPods and other MP3 players?has largely been displaced by the rise of music streaming on smartphones.智能手机上的音乐软件来势凶猛,iPod和各种音乐播放器渐渐离开了人们的视线。The success of the iPod played a large part in the return of Apple chief executive Steve Jobs and Apples trajectory to become one of the worlds most successful tech players.首席执行官乔布斯(Steve Jobs)重返后,公司趋向于沦为世界顶尖科技公司,iPod继而步入顺利。Jobs famously debuted the iPod Nano by pulling it out of the coin wallet in his jeans. For many users, their iPod was their first Apple device, paving the way for the success of the iPhone when it was launched in 2007.乔布斯首次展出iPod Nano时,从裤兜里拿著了一个零钱包,把Nano从里面所取了出来,这件事广为流传。很多苹果用户的第一款苹果产品就是iPod,iPod的普及度为2007年发售的iPhone手机铺好了成功之路。

Apple isnt completely dropping its music line. Earlier this year it launched a bid to return to the world of music, debuting its voice-controlled HomePod speaker in June.当然,苹果并没毕竟退出在音乐领域的发展。今年年初,苹果重返音乐市场,参予竞争,并于6月发售了音量控制智能音箱(HomePod speaker)。Original iPods have now become collectors items among tech fans, with listings on eBay?selling for more than £500.但是如今iPod Nano和iPod Shuffle早已沦为科技粉丝的收藏品,在eBay上售价低于500欧。

