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‘新利体育官网’全球首个虚拟政客机器人诞生 3年后或参加竞选发布日期:2024-01-31 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Theres no handshaking for this politician. Meet SAM, the worlds first virtual politician.对这位政治家来说需要问候。

Theres no handshaking for this politician. Meet SAM, the worlds first virtual politician.对这位政治家来说需要问候。来不会一会全球首个虚拟世界政客SAM吧。The artificial intelligence (AI) powered New Zealander talks to voters through Facebook Messenger, answering their questions about issues and elections.这个由人工智能(AI)驱动的新西兰人,通过脸书即时通与选民聊天,问他们议题和议会选举方面的问题。

SAMs creator Nick Gerritsen unveiled her just last week. He hopes the bot may be able to run in New Zealands 2020 general election, when shes more advanced.SAM的创造者尼克·格里森于上周刚公布这款机器人。他期望SAM或许需要参与新西兰2020年议会选举,预计她将显得更为先进设备。Right now, since SAM is still so new, shes limited in which questions she can answer.目前,由于SAM经验尚能深,她能问的问题受限。

When shes asked about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Koreas nuclear program and US President Donald Trump, she replies that any input is helpful, even if I dont have a specific response for it yet.当被问到横跨太平洋伙伴关系、朝鲜核项目及美国总统唐纳德·特朗普时,她不会问“任何输出都简单,即便我回应暂不准确的恢复”。Since SAM is powered by voters opinions, shell learn and grow as more people interact with her. New Zealanders can also fill out a survey to help her develop.由于SAM以选民的意见为驱动力,随着更加多人与其对话,她将自学并茁壮。新西兰人也可通过填上调查问卷协助其茁壮。

Its still unclear if a politician powered by AI can legally run for office.目前尚能不确切法律否容许由AI驱动的政客参选人。

