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【新利体育官网】美学生后脑勺安摄像头遭监控引争议发布日期:2024-02-01 浏览次数:
本文摘要:While New York University professor of photography plans for the camera to be attached to the back of his head, maybe its time for students to beware when passing notes or yawning in class。

While New York University professor of photography plans for the camera to be attached to the back of his head, maybe its time for students to beware when passing notes or yawning in class。纽约大学摄影学教授近日于是以想给自己的后脑勺加装一个摄像头,那么学生们在传纸条、打哈欠时可得小心又小心了。As professor Wafaa Bilals brainchild, the camera can take still pictures at one-minute intervals. All of Bilals students have been informed about the plan, but the university is still figuring out ground rules for the sake of student privacy。

瓦法阿-比埃尔教授所设想的这个摄像头可以一分钟间隔摄制静态照。据报,比埃尔教授的学生们都已告诉该计划,而纽约大学方面出于对学生隐私的考虑到于是以筹划涉及运作程序。Other individuals have also experimented with transforming themselves into bionic beings. A filmmaker who lacks vision in one eye created a small EyeBorg camera that could provide a surreal documentary-style experience for viewers。

此前有数人利用仿生学武装自己。某电影制片人单眼失明,但他发明者了一个取名为“眼博”的摄像头,可为使用者获取细致的视觉效果。The latest example of installing a camera on the back of someones head may sound extreme, but it could perhaps spark some discussion about the privacy issue in a society where cameras are everywhere。


