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科技前沿:苹果三星再对簿公堂 裁决可能对三星不利(1)“新利体育官网”发布日期:2024-01-02 浏览次数:
本文摘要:The long-running patent war between smartphone giants Apple Inc. AAPL -0.20% and Samsung Electronics Co. 005930.SE +0.74% will be back in the spotlight on Friday with two legal developments that could help tip the balance. 周五,智能手机巨头苹果公司(Apple Inc.)与三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)之间漫长的专利战将再度沦为外界注目的焦点,预计作出的两项判决可能会挽回形势。

The long-running patent war between smartphone giants Apple Inc. AAPL -0.20% and Samsung Electronics Co. 005930.SE +0.74% will be back in the spotlight on Friday with two legal developments that could help tip the balance. 周五,智能手机巨头苹果公司(Apple Inc.)与三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)之间漫长的专利战将再度沦为外界注目的焦点,预计作出的两项判决可能会挽回形势。The companies will argue before a federal appeals court in Washington over whether a lower court erred last year when it allowed Samsung to continue selling more than two dozen products after a jury found they infringed several Apple patents. 两公司将在华盛顿的一个联邦裁决法院就一家下级法院去年作出的判决否为失误展开辩论。去年,一个陪审团判断三星侵害了苹果的多项专利,但法院仍容许三星之后销售20多款产品。

Also on Friday, the International Trade Commission, a quasi-judicial federal agency that can block imports of foreign-made goods, is expected to issue a ruling on whether Samsung infringed several different Apple patents. Samsung is based in South Korea, and Apples iPhones are manufactured abroad. 某种程度是在周五,预计美国国际贸易委员会(International Trade Commission)将就三星否侵害了苹果多项专利作出判决。该联邦机构具备定司法机构性质,需要命令禁令外国产品的进口。三星总部坐落于韩国,苹果iPhone则是在美国境外生产的。

Spokeswomen for Samsung and Apple each declined to comment. 三星和苹果的发言人皆拒绝接受置评。The nearly $400 billion smartphone industry has been roiled by more than three years of expensive litigation among smartphone makers in courts all over the world. Still, a decisive winner has yet to emerge. 三年多来,智能手机生产商在世界各地法院打巨额官司,规模近4,000亿美元的智能手机行业也因此被摇动。尽管如此,目前仍未经常出现一个确认的赢家。

The events taking center stage on Friday could help clarify the strengths and weaknesses of the two leading sellers of smartphones. They follow the Obama administrations veto last Saturday of an ITC order banning the import and sale of some Apple iPhones and iPads. 周五倍受注目的事件有可能协助具体两大主要智能手机销售商的优势和劣势。此前,奥巴马政府上周六驳回了国际贸易委员会作出的禁令进口和销售部分苹果iPhone和iPad产品的判决。Victories for Apple on Friday could keep some current and future Samsung smartphones from the marketplace and cut into the companys commanding lead in world-wide smartphone sales. Victories for Samsung likely would allow the company to keep selling the full complement of its mobile devices. 若周五苹果胜诉,那么三星部分现有的和未来计划发售的智能手机将无法在市场上销售,该公司在全球智能手机市场上的主导地位将损毁。

若三星胜诉,那么它未来将会需要之后销售其全线移动设备。The appeals court case, in particular, could help determine whether Apple will be able to win product bans in future cases, including one case pending in San Jose, Calif., which is set to go to trial early next year. 特别是在值得一提的是,裁决法院的判决有可能协助确认苹果能否在未来的案件中顺利谋求法院对三星收到产品停售令其,还包括目前在加州圣何塞待审的案子。该案订于明年初庭审。

The case being heard Friday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, a specialized court that handles appeals of patent cases, arose from a earlier complaint that Apple filed against Samsung in federal court in San Jose in 2011, which went to trial last year. 美国联邦巡回演唱裁决法院(U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit)周五审理的案子因早些时候苹果控告三星案而起。2011年,苹果在圣何塞的联邦法院控告三星,该案去年展开了审理。

