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新利体育官网|世界最大动物克隆中心落户天津发布日期:2024-01-04 浏览次数:
本文摘要:If all proceeds as planned, the world’s biggest animal cloning center will open next year in the northeastern Chinese port city of Tianjin, taking factory farming to a new level.如果一切按计划展开,世界上仅次于的动物克隆中心将于明年在中国北方的港口城市天津开业,将工厂化农业提高到一个新的水平。

If all proceeds as planned, the world’s biggest animal cloning center will open next year in the northeastern Chinese port city of Tianjin, taking factory farming to a new level.如果一切按计划展开,世界上仅次于的动物克隆中心将于明年在中国北方的港口城市天津开业,将工厂化农业提高到一个新的水平。The center, being built by Boyalife Group, a Chinese biotechnology company, and Sooam Biotech, a South Korean company that specializes in animal cloning, will eventually churn out up to a million beef cattle embryos a year, as well as sniffer dogs, racehorses and other animals, its backers say. When completed, at a projected cost of $500 million, it will include a research laboratory, a gene bank and a museum.该中心是由中国生物技术公司博雅控股集团(Boyalife Group)和专门从事动物克隆的韩国秀岩生命工学研究院(Sooam Biotech)修建。它的投资者说道,该中心最后能一年大量生产出有上百万个肉牛胚胎,以及嗅探犬、赛马和其他动物。

这个预计花费5亿美元(大约32亿元人民币)修建的中心启用后,内部的设施将还包括研究实验室、基因库和博物馆各一个。Public education appeared to be a concern of Xu Xiaochun, Boyalife’s chief executive, during a conference call with journalists on Thursday, in which he sought to quell anxieties over the technology.在周四与记者的电话会议中,博雅有限公司首席执行官许晓椿或许对公众教育非常推崇。他企图平息公众对这项技术的各种情绪。

“Clone technology is already around us,” Mr. Xu said. “It’s just that not everyone knows about it.” He added that many strawberries and bananas sold in Chinese supermarkets were the products of this technology.“克隆技术早已在我们日常生活当中,”许晓椿说道。“只是不是每个人都告诉这件事。

”他补足说道,许多在中国餐馆出售的草莓和香蕉都是这项技术的产品。The process, he said, is just like “pouring a glass of orange juice into another empty glass,” meaning the cloned entity will be identical to the original.他说道,克隆过程就像“将一杯橙汁倒到另一个空杯子里”,也就是说克隆体将与原体毫无区别。“And I call tell you all that cloned beef is the tastiest beef I have ever had,” he said.他说道:“我想要告诉他你们的是,克隆牛肉是我不吃过最美味的牛肉”But Mr. Xu must contend with skeptical consumers in China, where food safety is a near obsession after scandals like melamine-tainted baby formula and recycled industrial “gutter oil.” Online reaction to the project has been overwhelmingly negative.但是,许晓椿必需希望劝说所持猜测态度的中国消费者。

当婴儿配方奶粉被三聚氰胺污染、“地沟油”被重复使用用于等丑闻爆出后,他们对食品安全出现异常注目。网上对项目的反应仍然是十分负面的态度。“Crazily evil!!!” commented the user No-Music-No-Life on Weibo.微博用户No-Music-No-Life评论说道:“恶魔到可怕!!!”。A person with the handle Xingchen Miaoyu wrote, “Please serve cloned beef to leaders first!”微博网名为“星尘喵语”的用户写到,“请求再行让领袖尝尝克隆牛肉!”A commenter with the user name Zhenwei Shusheng added, “China has become a major biotech research lab and Chinese are the experimental subjects.”微博用户“真实性书生”补足评论道:“你国就是一个全球大型生物实验基地。

你国人就是实验品。”Others questioned the decision to build such a plant in Tianjin, the site of a deadly chemical explosion in August that killed 173, fearing lax law enforcement could compound an already complicated issue.其他人批评将这样一个工厂创建在天津的要求。天津在8月再次发生了一场可怕的化学发生爆炸,造成173人丧生。

他们担忧执法不严有可能激化本已简单的问题。“The real-life version of ‘Resident Evil’?” asked the Weibo user Li Li, referring to the science-fiction film series that features a bioengineering company that produces bioweapons.微博用户“李理64025”问道:“现实版‘生化危机’吗?”他所指的是一个科幻电影系列,情节牵涉到一家生产生化武器的生物工程公司。

The undertaking has also been clouded by a scandal that embroiled the head of the South Korean partner, Hwang Woo-suk. In 2005, Dr. Hwang was found to have fabricated research that he had claimed used cloning to produce human embryos and extract stem cells from them.该项目也因另一个原因而掩盖了阴影,因为韩国合作伙伴的负责人黄禹锡(Hwang Woo-suk)有丑闻身患。2005年,黄禹锡被漏编造研究,他声称利用了克隆技术生产人类胚胎并借此萃取干细胞。But he has since focused his attention on animal cloning. His company worked with Boyalife to develop a rare Tibetan mastiff last year with a hefty price.但他从那时开始,他就专心于动物克隆。

去年,其公司与博雅合作,投放巨资培育了一种少见的纯种藏獒。Beijing has watched with both envy and caution since the first cloned mammal, Dolly, a sheep, was born in Scotland in 1996. Since then, Chinese scientists have cloned cows and pigs, but they have largely limited such activities to experimental purposes.北京回应既讨厌又慎重,因为在1996年,首只克隆哺乳动物,绵羊多莉(Dolly),在苏格兰出生于。从那时起,中国科学家克隆了牛和猪,但这种活动相当大程度只仅限于实验目的。Cloning is used in some farm animal breeding programs in the United States, but in September, the European Parliament voted in favor of a ban on cloned animals and their products, arguing that current techniques inflict greater suffering on animals than conventional breeding.在美国,克隆技术用作一些农场动物的选育计划。

但在9月,欧洲议会投票赞同了一项针对克隆动物及销售克隆动物产品的禁令,因为目前的技术,不会比常规选育对动物导致更大的伤痛。Zhu Yi, an associate professor at China Agricultural University, said that cloning technology could help China reduce its reliance on cattle imports to meet its people’s rising demand for beef. “But long term, this is not a solution,” she warned, emphasizing the need to assess the risks of using such technology and to overhaul China’s livestock industry.中国农业大学副教授朱毅说道,克隆技术可以协助中国增加对牛进口的倚赖,符合人们对牛肉日益下降的市场需求。她警告说道,“但长年来看,这不是一个解决问题方法。”她还特别强调,必须评估用于这种技术的风险,也必须改革中国的畜牧业。

The high costs of grain for feed and other items have squeezed profits for many Chinese cattle breeders and have depressed production, forcing a number of meat processors to turn to imports.饲料及其他项目成本高昂,断裂了许多中国养牛者的利润,也增加了产物,被迫一些肉类特工商转而用于进口牛肉。That situation presented an opportunity for Mr. Xu, who said he hoped cloning would help improve livestock production within China.这种情况对许晓椿来说是个机会,他说道期望克隆技术将有助提升中国国内畜牧业产量。“One reason we have so much low-quality beef is because we haven’t applied clone technology,” Mr. Xu said. “This is the only way to allow Chinese and many other people in the world to enjoy high-quality beef in an efficient manner.”“我们有这么多的低质量牛肉的原因之一是还没应用于克隆技术,”许晓椿说道。

“这是让中国人和世界上的其他其他的人,需要以高效地品尝高品质牛肉的唯一途径。”Before bringing cloned beef to the market, Mr. Xu said, his company must receive the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture and other government agencies. He did not elaborate. The ministry did not immediately reply to a faxed request for comment.许晓椿说道,把克隆牛肉带上入市场前,该公司必需再行取得农业部及其他政府机构的批准后。他没详尽解释。

该部门并没对电子邮件过去的置评催促立刻做出恢复。Ma Wenfeng, an analyst at Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultant, raised doubts over this approach for mass-producing beef. “I think clone technology can be used for endangered species, but it’s not very necessary for animal husbandry,” he said. “I don’t think this will be very economical, and I doubt this model will take off any time soon”.北京东方艾格农业咨询公司分析师马文峰,对于以此种方式大量生产牛肉回应猜测。

“我指出克隆技术可用作濒临绝种物种,但对于畜牧业则不是十分适当的,”他说道。“我不指出这样做到很经济,而且我猜测这种模式在可意识到的未来能否推展出去。”On Thursday, Mr. Xu said the venture had aims beyond just profits. “Our priority is to do a good job,” he said, “so we’ll achieve greater social influence.”周四,许晓椿回应,合资公司的目的某种程度是利润。


