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百度在愚人节启动凡尔纳计划 刘慈欣任顾问-新利体育官网发布日期:2024-07-02 浏览次数:
本文摘要:April Fools Day is not all about pranks. Chinas Internet giant Baidu is dead serious about its plan- to be launched on April 1-to include science fiction writers in its research on artificial intelligence.愚人节可不是只有恶作剧。

April Fools Day is not all about pranks. Chinas Internet giant Baidu is dead serious about its plan- to be launched on April 1-to include science fiction writers in its research on artificial intelligence.愚人节可不是只有恶作剧。中国互联网巨头百度在4月1日发售的计划是严肃的:邀科幻小说作家参予人工智能的研究。The Baidu Verne Plan involves setting up a consulting team to bring the worlds best science fiction writers together with leading scientists in a quest to turn imagination into reality.该计划称作百度凡尔纳计划,它创建了一个由世界上最差的科幻作家与顶尖科学家构成的顾问团队,探索把想象变为现实之路。The project, named after French novelist Jules Verne, has already invited six people to be the first group of advisers in the team, according to Beijing-based Baidu.据总部坐落于北京的百度公司讲解,这个项目是根据法国小说家儒勒·凡尔纳的名字而命名的,目前早已邀了6人沦为该顾问团队的首批成员。

The company said that some of Vernes imagination seen in his books in the 19th century, such as helicopters, had been realized in the 20th century.百度公司方面回应,19世纪凡尔纳著作中的一些想象,比如直升飞机,在20世纪早已沦为了现实。Apart from Andrew Ng, Baidus chief scientist, the other five advisers are science fiction writers. They include Liu Cixin, who last year became the first Asian author to win the Hugo Award for Best Novel for his book The Three-Body Problem, and David Brin, an award-winning author from the United States.除了百度首席科学家吴恩达之外,其他5位顾问都是科幻小说作家。

他们还包括去年凭借《三体》夺得雨果奖最佳小说的亚洲第一人刘慈欣,以及来自美国的、屡屡得奖的作家大卫·布林。Baidu said in a statement that the advisers would receive updated information on how the company is developing certain technologies. They will also be able to communicate with Baidus research and development team to turn some of the ideas into products through brainstorming.百度公司在一份声明中回应,这些顾问不会接到公司如何研发涉及技术的改版信息。他们也可以与百度研究与研发团队交流,通过头脑风暴把点子变成产品。Liu Cixin told The Paper in an interview: This is an innovative organization. Many ideas, along with innovative work, will be born here. The project will focus on artificial intelligence, and there will be an opportunity for us to work with scientists once the project is officially launched.刘慈欣在拒绝接受《新华新闻》的专访时回应:“这是一家创新公司。


