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新利体育官网|双语科技百科(农业) 第53期:《茶经》发布日期:2024-07-03 浏览次数:
本文摘要:The Classic of Tea《茶经》The Classic of Tea is the first treatise on tea in the world, writfen by the Chinese writer Lu Yu between 760 and 780 in the Tang Dynasty. According to the popular legend, Lu Yu was an orphan of Jinling county ( now Tianmen county in Hubei Province) who was adopted by a Buddhist monk of the Longgai Temple. At age 14, Lu Yu was discovered by the local governor Li Gtiwu who of fered Lu Yu the use of his library and the opportunity to study with a teacher,During the An Lushan and Shi Siming Rebellion period, Lu Yu lived in seclusion in Shaoxi ( now Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province).During this period, Lu Yu made friendswith many literati, including the calligrapher Yan Zhenqing, and wrote his master-piece The Classic of Tea.For Lu Yu, tea symbolized the harmony and mysterious unity of the Universe. He invested The Classic of Tea with the concept of Bud-dhism, Taoism, or Confu-cianism that dominated the religious thought of his age. The Classic of Tea is divided into the following 10 chapters: 1.Origin; 2.Tea Tools; 3. Manufacture; 4. Tea Wares;5.Brewing; 6. Drinking Tea;7.Anecdotes; 8. Places;9. Omission;10. Diagrams.It covers a series of subjects ranging from tea culture, tea art, tea history, botany, biology, agriculture, medicine, geography, hydrology, pottery, tea farming machinery to tea production.《茶经》是世界上第一部有关茶的专著,为中国唐朝文人陆羽在公元760-780年间所著。

The Classic of Tea《茶经》The Classic of Tea is the first treatise on tea in the world, writfen by the Chinese writer Lu Yu between 760 and 780 in the Tang Dynasty. According to the popular legend, Lu Yu was an orphan of Jinling county ( now Tianmen county in Hubei Province) who was adopted by a Buddhist monk of the Longgai Temple. At age 14, Lu Yu was discovered by the local governor Li Gtiwu who of fered Lu Yu the use of his library and the opportunity to study with a teacher,During the An Lushan and Shi Siming Rebellion period, Lu Yu lived in seclusion in Shaoxi ( now Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province).During this period, Lu Yu made friendswith many literati, including the calligrapher Yan Zhenqing, and wrote his master-piece The Classic of Tea.For Lu Yu, tea symbolized the harmony and mysterious unity of the Universe. He invested The Classic of Tea with the concept of Bud-dhism, Taoism, or Confu-cianism that dominated the religious thought of his age. The Classic of Tea is divided into the following 10 chapters: 1.Origin; 2.Tea Tools; 3. Manufacture; 4. Tea Wares;5.Brewing; 6. Drinking Tea;7.Anecdotes; 8. Places;9. Omission;10. Diagrams.It covers a series of subjects ranging from tea culture, tea art, tea history, botany, biology, agriculture, medicine, geography, hydrology, pottery, tea farming machinery to tea production.《茶经》是世界上第一部有关茶的专著,为中国唐朝文人陆羽在公元760-780年间所著。陆羽,唐竞陵(今湖北天门)人,传说自小是个孤儿,被当地龙盖寺和尚领养。



